'Birkett & Fisk play Venuti & Lang' is now available to order!
You can pay by cheque or by choosing one of the Paypal options below, which cover the different postage costs for UK, USA and mainland Europe.
If you would like a CD sent to anywhere else in the world please get in touch
via the contact page for details of post and packing costs.
Pay be Cheque - £12.00 inc P&P to UK addresses
Please send a cheque for £12.00 payable to 'Emma Fisk' to 21 East Dene Way, Peterlee, Co Durham, SR8 5TJ
Remember to include your own address with the order!
Remember to include your own address with the order!
Paypal to UK addresses - £12.60 inc P&P and Paypal Fees
Click on the Add to Cart button below. This will transfer you to the Paypal for secure online payment.
Paypal to Mainland Europe - £15.00 inc P&P and Paypal Fees
Click on the Add to Cart button below. This will transfer you to Paypal for secure online payment.
Paypal to USA addresses - £16.50 inc P&P and paypal fees
For delivery to US addresses please click on the Add to Cart button below. This will transfer you to Paypal for secure online payment.